Thursday, July 29, 2010

Reverse Narcalepsy!!

Well, it's 3:24am and I am still up!!  This is day number 2 of this craziness!  For about the past weeks I have been up until about 3am but for the past two nights I have not gone to sleep at all.  I am on my last week of a geology summer class that is very intense but I don't think that is the problem.

I have heard of people often having sleepless nights when God is stirring their spirit to either pray or write.  I don't think this has ever happened to me....or am I just not making the connection. Of course there are plenty of things to be praying about (there always are) but I don't feel any specific tugging of the Holy spirit.  I just feel....exhausted!!!  Irritable, aggitated, fidgetty, just very uncomfortable. 

I want to be the person (wife, mother, student, leader, friend, sister) that God has called me to be but I feel like I am in a slump right now. 

In the past year I have made some incredible friendships and for the second time in my life I know what God wants me to do. The first time was in 1995, when above all odds, I was accepted to Converse College (my first choice)against all the academic and financial odds.  He has shown me that my destiny IS Converse College.  From the immediate acceptance and scholarship in 1995 to the sudden move to spartanburg in 2009.  But in this process so far, I have lost some of the people closest to me.  God brought some women into my life when I was feeling alone after leaving all my dear safety Columbia.  But in the past month he has taken those friends away!!  In one month three very precious ladies have moved away and i feel like I am right back where I started.  Don't get me wrong, I know my current situation is completely where God wants me.  I just am having a little problem understanding why He would establish me with such a great support system and then rip it away!! 

I know I am babbling, it is 3:30 am afterall, but Iguess I am just trying to figure out thes sleep problem.  It, for the moment, is running my life.  I know Christ is supposed to be the center of my life but right now i can think of nothing but sleep! 

My prayer would be that God show me a purpose in all of this.  If God wants me awake at night for the purpose of intersession then that is awesome!  But I think I would not have ot take the ambien or klonipen before bed!!  I could just stay awake without feeling goofy and truly seek the face of God.  I know this blog probably makes no sense to any of you but it is more as a personal blog for myself.  The thing I want most is to be the Woman of God that I know He wants me to be.

So, in closing I have one request of you.  PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY INSOMNIA!!  That wau, when I am healed of this problem, I can be more alert and discerning to be able to pray for you.  In the way you need it!!  Hopefully I won't have another night like this but please remember to let me know if there is anything you need prayer for.  I want to hear the voice of God loud and clear and I think some prayers from some of you mighty intercessors just might make me be able to do that!!

Signing off for now....3:51am

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